Your website is a party, and you’re the host.


I was talking with a client the other day about their business website. It was kind of awkward because while we were talking about their website, we were actually avoiding it because it was  an online mess. Nobody really wanted to look at it.  I remember at one point he said at me,  “just make this go away.

I recently read this blog from Jarod Morris at Copyblogger (see below) and realized that what we do best here at FlyGirls Media is create the right  Ambiance for your website.  Our job is to blend your content with digital style that offers an online space making your visitors feel welcome and invited.  One that shows off your best possible side to the world wide web.

Jarod compares making a website to throwing a party. Simply – take care of your guests,  give them something of value, improve their experience and make it visually appealing and fun.  Great ingredients to any online web design and for any offline parties for that matter!

If your interested in building a better experience for your users with amazing customized themes from Word Press  – CONTACT US.

We would love to host YOUR online party!


How to Make Your Website a Party People Want to Attend- (jarod morris at Copyblogger)

Have you ever walked into a party where you didn’t know anyone?

  • And there was no one to greet you or take your coat …
  • No one to show you where to get a drink or introduce you around …
  • No one to make you feel welcomed or show you where to go next …

It’s an awkward, uncomfortable feeling, right?

Your first instinct is probably to turn around and walk right back out. I know mine is.

So why would you treat visitors to your website the exact same way?

Your website is a party, and you’re the host. So you better make your visitors feel comfortable and want to stay.

Otherwise the party will die long before the music does, and you’ll be spinning records (or are those your wheels?) all by your lonesome …

With no audience to respond to anything you say. (Cue: sad trombone.)

It all starts with ambiance

Ambiance is “the character and atmosphere of a place.”

We humans respond viscerally to venues that are inviting, that make us feel at ease, and that fit the mood we expect to slip into.

When an ambiance is right, we may not even realize it.

We get lost in the moment. Which is good, it’s what we want. It’s surely what whoever is planning the ambiance wants.

But when an ambiance is wrong — when the lighting is off, when the music doesn’t match the mood, when we feel stressed or uncertain — we do notice.

It shakes us straight out of the moment, and it makes us wonder whether we even want to be there in first place.

This isn’t just happening at restaurants, parties, or fourth dates at someone’s apartment.

It’s happening on the web, at every single web page you visit.

(Read the rest of this awesome blog from Copyblogger)

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