Relationships first. Selling second.


Relationship marketing is based on the idea that emphasizes customer retention and satisfaction, rather than a dominant focus on sales transactions.

That’s a fancy way of what could easier be said as – “Don’t try to sell instead try to help.” We love this altruistic approach to marketing.

Seth Godin, best selling author, entrepreneur, and marketer says;

The connection economy isn’t based on steel or rails or buildings. It’s built on trust and hope and passion. The future belongs to those that care and those that believe.


Building online content is the first step in bridging communication with your potential customers. Start by creating a blog on your website that provides professional advice, educational information, or even a “how-to” section. Instead of pushing to buy your product, give your online audience advice on how to make the best decisions for their needs.

Blogs are great places on your website that can showcase your personality as well as your brand.

And if those online visitors find your helpful tips, personal style and authentic voice to their liking, you will instantly earn their trust as an expert in your field.

Don’t forget to go Social. Social Media platforms are great for building audiences that can identify with you and your brand. Ideally your social posts should contain 80% of useful information or interesting facts and only 20% of promotion. Providing helpful and valuable content makes people respect your expertise.

Combine your content with some awesome Visuals ( photos, graphics, video ) and you have a loaded content strategy. Studies have shown that combining information visual cues with text content can dramatically improve information retention; which is your ultimate goal in sharing content.

Businesses that understand how to create the personal touch of social marketing, storytelling, and building REAL relationships with their audience get a much better ROI on their investment.

And that’s content worth sharing!