Lisa Daron Grossman

Lisa Daron Grossman

Lisa Grossman

I spent many years being lonely and physically unwell and the power of connection has been the thing that has helped me heal. - Lisa Grossman


What did you daydream about when you were a kid?

Traveling the world, learning about different cultures, listening to people's stories

What is your favorite thing about your studio or workspace?

My workspace is anywhere and everywhere: a farmhouse in Idaho, a bungalow by the beach, a crowded coffee shop in NYC. I love the freedom of working from anywhere and the access to a diversity of inspiration.

What have been some of the greatest challenges in your career?

Life on the road is really challenging.

At 365 days without a home, living out of a suitcase, I find that some days I feel lost even when I know where I am.

I question myself constantly; "can I keep going?" My inner critic is loud and always available to fill me with doubt, which makes life on the road difficult especially when people doubt me, challenge me, and question my motives.

The negativity bias can be pretty fierce. When you get ten great compliments and one negative one, my mind will spiral with that negative for ages.

What does success mean to you?

Recognizing moments of joy and connection in my everyday life, personal growth and inquiry, and making an impact in the lives of others.

How do you deal with self doubt or insecurity?

I practice compassion meditation which has a beautiful way of re-filling me with compassion for myself and others. It reminds me to give to myself, to nurture my heart, and it gives me permission to be human.

When a meditation can't quiet the mind trash I call on my road community to help me get back to center.

Also, I cry.

Who or What inspires you?

My mother inspires me. She has devoted her life to listening, learning, and doing important work in the world that directly impacts lives.

I am inspired by strangers that I meet on the road, their stories of loneliness and connection, the vulnerability that can exist in a single moment.

What advice has been the most helpful in your life?

You are not for everybody and that's ok. Take a compliment when it's offered to you.

Tell me about a failure that you learned from?

I spent years working on a documentary that I ended up throwing in the trash.

I was mortified that it was never completed and it took time and distance for me to realize that the documentary process was the actual success, what I learned through my connections and experiences while I was filming changed my life.

It's not always about the outcome (in fact, I think most of the time, it's not about the outcome at all).

Tell Me - Why you do What you do?

I spent many years being lonely and physically unwell and the power of connection has been the thing that has helped me heal.

Our country is in the midst of growing polarization and disconnection and I think if we all took one micro-moment to look at someone and listen things might shift, just an inch.

We all have a part to play in this wild world we live in, and helping to de-stigmatizing the conversation around loneliness is my part.

Not to mention I do what I do because I love what I do, I believe in it, and I think the science of connection is fascinating.

Do you have a favorite song, book or quote that motivates you?

"It's dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly child, lightly...just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them...throw away your baggage and go forward. There are quicksands all about you...trying to suck you down into fear and self-pity and despair. That's why you must walk so lightly...on tiptoes and no luggage...completely unencumbered." - Aldous Huxley

Name 1 or 2 women who you admire?

Social Psychologist, Barbara Fredrickson.

Women who I have met on the road, Suzanne - the community ambassador of Ft Collins, Pinky the dairy fairy, Willa - peace activist, Vicki the mermaid - I admire women who wake up everyday and continue.

If you could look back and give yourself some advice as you were starting out, what would it be?

Start before you're ready. Listen to yourself before you listen to everyone else. You can be loved. You are loved.

What one piece of advice would you give to young girls who are trying to navigate their future?

Belong to yourself first before trying to fit in, then your people will start to show up. Give yourself permission to be human, remember you are not alone in your loneliness, ask for support even when you don't think you need it.

Want to learn more about Lisa's journey?

Follow her on Instagram and check out her website at:

 The Connection Cure


Speaker • PosPsych & Life Coach • Facilitator • Nomad