Thanks to the man in 10B

The nice thing about being in the business of Social Media is, well, being social!  It’s great to interact with your online community but it’s just as important to connect with folks offline, you know in the REAL world.

We have all been on plane rides where you  sit right next to someone for hours and not even get to know their name. It’s a shame, really.  Plane rides are a great opportunity to connect with someone, even if its for a short moment in time.

I was flying to Seattle the other day when I was seated next to a man named Warren. We had a lovely conversation while we both worked on our inflight magazine crossword puzzle.  Warren finished in record time while I kept asking him for hints and clues  just so I could finish the darn thing.

I came to discover that Warren is a serial entrepreneur who also knew a thing or two about social media. After exchanging business cards and departing our separate ways, Warren sent me the following SlideShare that he thought I could use for my business.

Go figure.  It was by Gary Vaynerchuk  (one of my favs) and was just the piece I was looking for to blog about Social Media trends for 2014. And it talks about the value of storytelling.

Thanks Warren! It was great to connect with you in person and I hope to share another conversation and  crossword puzzle with you soon.
